Application Window

The Application Window is a very practical institution for people, who enjoy working with the Workbench. Now you can pull ShowDVI<#378#><#378#> to the front by mouse from the Workbench or by dragging an icon you can load a new DVI file.

The looks, size and position of the application window can be determined entirely from the Workbench. And for this purpose the icon file exists which you can also indicate in the configuration file. The file <#379#>TeX:config/<#379#> is used per default. You can edit this icon with <#380#>IconEdit<#380#> and adapt it to your own taste. To determine the position of the Apps-Window, you simply place it there where you want it and choose the menu entry <#381#>snapshot<#381#>.

Take note: These operations must be executed on the ``.info'' file and <#382#>not<#382#> on the Applications Window of ShowDVI<#383#><#383#>.